Thomas Tie Luo    (formerly Tony T. Luo)

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stanley and Karen Pigman College of Engineering
University of Kentucky

223 Davis Marksbury Building, 329 Rose Street, Lexington, KY 40506, USA
Phone: +1 (859) 257-1527
E-mail: t.luo <at>

      Research    Teaching    Publications    Systems    Students    Services    Misc


My work focuses on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Medicine, Healthcare, and the Internet of Things (IoT). I'm particularly passionate about:
  • Explainable AI (XAI)
  • Adversarial and Robust Machine Learning
  • Security and Privacy in Federated Learning
  • Time Series Analysis
All of these are applied to medical and IoT contexts.

Prospective students: I advise PhD students in CS/CE/EE. Please read this note before applying to my group.
Postdocs: Two fellowship opportunities are currently open, but you must be a US citizen, national, or PR to be eligible.


I am a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Kentucky, starting August 2024. Prior to that, I was an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Missouri University of Science and Technology. I received my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National University of Singapore (ranked globally #8 by QS, #19 by Times Higher Education (THE), and #22 (CS #3, EE #5) by U.S. News & World Report). I have received five Best Paper awards or nominations. I am a member of AAAI and ACM, and a Senior Member of IEEE.


  • EE599/699 (UK) - Deep Learning Fundamentals, Fall 2024
  • CS5001 (MST) - Introduction to Deep Learning, Spring 2024
  • CS5420 (MST) - Introduction to Machine Learning, Fall 2023
  • CS3402 (MST) - Introduction to Data Science, Spring 2023
  • CS5001 (CS5420 since FS23) - Introduction to Machine Learning, Fall 2022
  • CS3001 (CS3402 since SP23) - Introduction to Data Science, Spring 2022
  • CS6407 - Internet of Things with Data Science, Fall 2021
  • CS6001 (CS6407 since FS21) - Internet of Things with Data Science, Spring 2021
  • CS6001 (CS6407 since FS21) - Internet of Things with Data Science, Fall 2020
  • CS5001 - Internet of Things with Applied Data Science, Spring 2020


  Full list contains graphic illustrations.
  Google Scholar
  DBLP (Download BiBTeX using the 2nd icon in front of each paper)

Systems and Testbeds

In addition to my theoretical research, I believe it is equally invaluable to develop real systems or testbeds to validate theoretical innovations in a more convincing manner.

Deep Learning and Computer Vision
Stitching Satellites to the Edge: Pervasive and Efficient Federated LEO Satellite Learning YOGA: Deep Object Detection in the Wild with Lightweight Feature Learning and Multiscale Attention
Anomaly Detection for IoT and Edge
Distributed anomaly detection using autoencoder neural networks in WSN for IoT
Adaptive Anomaly Detection for IoT in Hierarchical Edge Computing: A Contextual-Bandit Approach
Mobile Edge Computing
Coordinated Container Migration and Base Station Handover in Mobile Edge Computing
Mobile Crowdsensing
SEW-ing a Simple Endorsement Web to incentivize trustworthy participatory sensing WiFiScout: A crowdsensing WiFi advisory system with gamification-based incentive


Prospective students: I advise PhD students in CS/CE/EE. Please read this note before applying to my group.
Postdocs: Two fellowship opportunities are currently open, but you must be a US citizen, national, or PR to be eligible.

  • PhD students - current:
    Xiaohui Chen, FS22--
    Jiadi Du, FS22--
    Yasmine Mustafa, SP23--
    Qin Su, FS24--

    Group photo 2024 CEC Dean's PhD Scholar Award 2024 PAKDD24 2024 Award Ceremony Tao Wu PhD Defense 2024-06-11 Tao Wu PhD Defense 2024-06-11

  • PhD students - graduated:
    - United States:
    Mohamed Elmahallawy, Jan 2022--Feb 2024 (defended on March 1, 2024; Assistant Professor since Aug 2024 in the Computer Science and Cybersecurity Department at Washington State University, Tri-Cities)
    Thesis: Secure and privacy-preserving federated learning with rapid convergence in LEO satellite networks
    Tao Wu (co-advised with Prof. Donald Wunsch), Aug 2021--Jun 2024 (defended on June 11, 2024; currently postdoc)
    Thesis: Adversarial Transferability and Generalization in Robust Deep Learning
    - Singapore:
    Leonit Zeynalvand (co-supervised with Prof. Jie Zhang at Nanyang Technological University), 2016-2021; currently with A*STAR
    Thesis: A holistic approach to trust and reputation management in big data
    Mao V. Ngo (co-supervised with Prof. Tony Quek at Singapore University of Technology and Design), 2018-2020; currently with SUTD
    Thesis: Mobile edge computing with machine learning for the Internet of Things

  • Master's students - graduated:
    Raja Sunkara (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Aug'21-May'23
    Thesis: Computer vision in adverse conditions: small objects, low-resolution images, and edge deployment
    Shyam Sundar Saravanan (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Jan'21-May'23
  • Thesis: Time series anomaly detection using generative adversarial networks

Professional Services

  • Grant Panelist / Reviewer:
    National Science Foundation (NSF), Panelist, 2021
    Euregio Science Fund (EGTC, Europe), Reviewer, 2021
    U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), ASCR, Reviewer, 2022
    U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Idaho National Lab, Reviewer, 2023
    U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), ASCR, "Adv in AI for Science", Reviewer, 2024
  • External P&T and Award Reviewer:
    Faculty Promotion & Tenure external reviewer, University of Washington, 2021
    Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award reviewer, ORAU, 2024
  • External PhD Thesis Examiner:
    Deakin University, Australia, 2023-24
    DA-IICT, India, 2023
  • Journal Editorial Board:
    Area Editor, Pervasive and Mobile Computing (Elsevier), 2021-present.
    Area Editor, Ad Hoc Networks, 2019-present.
    Associate Editor, Annual Review of Artificial Intelligence, 2021-present.
    Associate Editor, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018-present.
    Associate Editor, Telecom, 2018-present.
    Guest Editor, Sensors (Localization and Tracking for Internet of Things), 2022-2023.
    Guest Editor, Mobile Information Systems (Big Data Management and Analytics for Mobile Crowd Sensing), 2015-2016.
    Guest Editor, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (MAC Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks), 2015-2016.
  • Journal Advisory Board:
    Sci: 2018-present.
  • Conference Organizing Committee
  • Conference Program Committee:
    2025: ICC (Machine Learning for Communications and Networking (MLCN) Track)
    2024: AAAI | ICC (Machine Learning for Communications and Networking (MLCN) Track)
    2023: WoWMoM | ICC | WCNC
    2022: INFOCOM | WoWMoM | ICC | WCNC
    2021: INFOCOM | AAAI | WoWMoM | ICC | WCNC | MASS | PST
    2020: INFOCOM | WoWMoM | ICC | WCNC | ComNet-IoT | PST (Privacy, Security and Trust)
    2019: INFOCOM | WoWMoM | ICC | WCNC | MASS | MSWiM | PerCom CASPer | ComNet-IoT | IWCMC-ML (machine learning) | PST (Privacy, Security and Trust)
    2018: INFOCOM | WoWMoM | MASS | Globecom | ICCCN | PerCom CASPer | ComNet-IoT | PST (Privacy, Security and Trust)
    2017: DCOSS | PerCom CASPer | UIC (Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing)
    2016: WCNC | MobiSPC | AAMAS Trust | PST (Privacy, Security and Trust) | BIH (Brain Informatics and Health)
    2015: WCNC | MobiSPC | SenseApp | ICCVE | CCBD (Cloud Computing and Big Data) | IBDC (Big Data in Crowdsensing)
    2014: WCNC | SenseApp | ICCVE | IOV (Internet of Vehicles)
    2013: WCNC | SenseApp | ICCVE | AMI (Ambient Intelligence) | IoT-SC (IoT for Smart Cities)
    2012: ICCVE | KICSS (Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems)
  • Conference Session Chair:
    AAAI 2024: Machine Learning
    AAAI 2024: Computer Vision
    PAKDD 2023: Federated Learning
    IEEE ICC 2023: Learning & Networks
    IEEE INFOCOM 2022: Machine Learning
    IEEE INFOCOM 2021: Attack and Anomaly Detection
    IEEE INFOCOM 2020: Internet of Things
  • Journal Reviewer (Top 1% Reviewer in Computer Science 2017-2018):
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) (2024--present)
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS) (2023--present)
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) (2018--present)
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) (2022--present)
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) (2009--present)
    IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAFFC) (2023--present)
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) (2020--2021)
    IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC) (2013--2014)
    IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT) (2010--2014)
    IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN) (2016--2018)
    IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) (2017--2019)
    IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J) (2019--present)
    IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) (2008--)
    IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2021)
    IEEE Network (2015--2019)
    IEEE Computer (2018--2019)
    IEEE Pervasive Computing (2017--2019)
    IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) (2008--2009)
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN) (2010--2012; 2023-present)
    ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) (2021--present)
    ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) (2021--present)
    ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) (2021--present)
    ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) (2018--present)
    ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R) (2009--2010)
    ACM/SAGE - Collective Intelligence (2021)
    Elsevier - Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC) (2013--2019; Editor thereafter) [Outstanding Reviewer 2016]
    Elsevier - Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOC) (2013--2019; Editor thereafter)
    Elsevier - Computer Networks (COMNET) (2008--2019)
    Elsevier - Computer Communications (COMCOM) (2017--2019)
    Elsevier - Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC) (2018--2021)
    Elsevier - Information Systems (IS) (2018--2019)
    Elsevier - Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) (2018--2020)
    Elsevier - Digital Communications and Networks (DCAN) (2018--2019)
    Springer - Artificial Intelligence Review (2023--present) (2022 IF: 12.0)
    Springer - Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (PPNA) (2020)
    MDPI - Artificial Intelligence (2021)
    MDPI - Applied Sciences (2021)
    MDPI - Healthcare (2021)
    MDPI - Remote Sensing (2020)
    MDPI - Sensors (2016--present)
    Wiley - Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC) (2018--2021)
    Wiley - International Journal of Network Management (NEM) (2020)
    Wiley - Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (2019)
    IET Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) (2018)
    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals (2014)
  • Conference Reviewer (besides TPC):
    ICNP 2021, MSWiM 2018, PIMRC 2018, Globecom 2017, ICDM 2016, ACM KDD 2015, MASS 2014, ICC 2013, Globecom 2012, DySPAN 2010, INFOCOM 2009, SECON 2009, Globecom 2009, ICC 2009, INFOCOM 2008, SECON 2008, MASS 2008, ICDCS 2008, Globecom 2008, MobiCom 2007, MSWiM 2007, MSWiM 2006... (full list)


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© 2010-2024, Tie (Thoams) Luo. All rights reserved.